The guest curator for the exhibition is Mark S. Zaid, Esq., a Washington, D.C. attorney who specializes in national security law. Much like his comic-book heroes, Zaid has an alter-ego as a comic book collector and dealer. He is also an advisor to the Overstreet Comic Book Price & Grading Guides and a co-founder of the Comic Book Collecting Association (
Alter Ego 5 Pdf Free Download
Pioneering book artist Richard Minsky will speak about his life and work at the Yale University Library, New Haven, CT. Please join us on Tuesday, October 5, 2010, at 1pm in the Sterling Memorial Library Lecture Hall, 130 Wall Street. Light refreshments will be served after the talk. This event is free and open to the public and is sponsored by the Yale University Library Standing Committee on Professional Awareness. 2ff7e9595c